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Environmental protection ENG

Environmental protection – securing our future


Technological development, the production of the necessary resources inevitably leave many scars on our environment. It is good to know that we can remedy those wounds, these losses are not permanent.

Our professional engineer team is working most efficiently day after day to preserve and restore the Earth we have borrowed from our grandchildren.


Our goal: Ensuring the restoration of our environment

We provide all the necessary tools – whether it is machinery or knowledge – to help remedy any damage caused by underground and surface mining. With the help of our well-trained engineers and experienced professionals, we comply with the most rigorous environmental regulations.


Solutions to protect water sources

Hydrogeological exploration and monitoring are much needed for the preservation of the water sources. Utilizing multi-packer systems and hydraulic examinations, the constant monitoring of water levels and quality provide sufficient protection before and after the recultivation.

We are able to measure chemical parameters in situ and perform in-depth tests in our analytical laboratory on conserved samples. The data acquired is then processed, analyzed with software tools and a thorough evaluation report is made thereafter.​We can measure chemical parameters in situ and perform in-depth analysis in our analytic laboratory on conserved samples. The gathered data is processed, which is followed by software analysis, and then a thorough evaluation report is made.

High-tech instruments, first-class engineering knowledge

The remediation of the scars caused by mining and other underground activities require significant engineering knowledge and high-tech solutions.  Earthworks are being done with proper layer order and suitable land space architecture materials. During the recultivation, any matter regarding environmental protection is handled with maximum care.

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