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Quality and Environmental Management

Quality and Environmental Management

The management of Mecsekérc Ltd. in the spring of 2000 decided that in order to ensure the future of the company a quality control system compliant to the ISO 9001:2000 standard need to be employed to the current activities.


The certification audit of the Det Norske Veritas Magyarország Ltd. was successful due to the thorough preparations and Mecsekérc Ltd. obtained a certification based on the ISO 9001:2000 standard in 2001. 

Considering the activities of Mecsekérc Ltd. it was clear, that the environmental protection activities should also be certified. After the creation and introduction of ISO 14001:1996 standard Mecsekérc Ltd. was successfully audited by Det Norske Vertitas Magyarország Ltd. 

The continuous research and development and the high standards of the markets required the modernization of the quality and environmental management systems, these have been therefore certified as an integrated quality and environmental management system in the September of 2005. Due to the changes regarding the ISO 9001 standard the Integrated Management system was certified in the October of 2009 according to ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 standards. 


The activities of Mecsekérc Ltd. which have been certified according to ISO 9001:2008, and ISO 14001:2004 standards are the following:


Environmental damage assessment and investigation,

·        Planning and implementing environmental remediation,

·        Land reclamation,

·        Environmental monitoring,

·        Waste storage site investigation,

·        Mining,

·        Construction and technical inspection of facilities.



Mecsekérc Ltd. employs an Integrated Management System which guarantees the final products to be extremely reliable and to meet the level of high quality standards and the strictly regulated protocols and proper documentation of the activities done secure the satisfaction of our customers as far as possible, while the control and reduction of the environmental impact of the activities are given special attention to.   

In our corporate policy statement we declared our commitment to the fullest possible satisfaction of our customer’s needs, to the high standard of work, to reduce and keep within controlled channels any environmental damage caused by our company, to comply to the requirements of the standards and to keep a high and constantly rising quality of corporate culture. 

We have summarized in a handbook how comply with the requirements of the standards. We have developed procedures to guarantee the properly managed, controlled and documented work.

The Integrated Management System manager supervises the quality and environmental management activities who is also responsible quality control of the accredited research laboratory complying with the MSZ EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standards. The work of the Integrated Management System manager is controlled by the head of the company with the coordination of an appointed leader delegated by the senior management.



Our further certificates
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